Microsoft Office 365 License Optimization

Access your FREE 14-day trial  to drive visibility into significant cost savings and makes it easier for you to maximize the return on your Microsoft cloud investment.

When it comes to Microsoft Office 365 licensing, organizations face two costly challenges. Over-purchasing consumes cash that could be better spent elsewhere, and under-utilization defeats the purpose of investment, which is to improve user productivity. Tackling these challenges requires effective Microsoft Office 365 license management that needs to be based on solid data.

ENow’s Microsoft Office 365 License Optimization solution helps you easily and quickly obtain financial accountability and ongoing governance by providing key insights into your Microsoft Office 365 environment:

  • Understand what licensing you own, what is assigned and how much you are paying
  • Forecast license usage and plan for the future
  • Avoid running out of licenses or having too many
  • Understand what features are being used and track adoption
  • Help clients with charge back scenarios
  • Assist with EA negotiations and reduce costs
  • Identify overlapping licenses
  • Identify duplicate licenses
  • Identify inactive licenses
  • Help ensure that key features (MFA, ATP) are purchased at the right price
    • Keep track of Microsoft Licensing changes
  • Save time and money!