
Do you have a Microsoft EA renewal coming up? Are you looking to find cost savings within your Microsoft 365 licensing?

Simplify Microsoft License Management.

With ENow's Microsoft 365 License Optimization tool, you will be better prepared for your EA renewal with unique insight into underutilized, inactive, overlapping and duplicate Microsoft licenses.

Uncover Microsoft 365 License Waste

Seemingly small errors, may have resulted in an immense amount of license waste.

Overlapping licenses option 1
Chances are your org has users that have licenses for certain apps twice. 

For example, maybe you have users with an E5 license and an add-on license like Power BI that is already included in their E5. 
duplicate licenses
No sense in paying for the same thing twice.

ENow easily identifies users who have duplicate licenses. For example, two identical licenses like an E3. Sounds crazy, but it happens more often than you may think and adds up quickly.
inactive licenses
Sometimes users may need add-on licenses like Project or PowerBI for one-off projects. However, once these projects are complete their license may not have been removed. 

ENow identifies licenses that are inactive, which can be claimed for future use.

Right Size License Agreements

How many of your users are underutilizing their costly license?

Microsoft 365 License Management - License Cost Report


Microsoft 365 license optimization is far from straight forward. With E5s, E3s, F1s... It often feels like you need to be a mathematician, lawyer, and an IT Pro all in one to determine your license needs. After all, the difference between a $20 and $4 a month license change could be knowing if a user scheduled a meeting this month or not!

ENow takes the guess work out of Microsoft 365 license optimization, by pinpointing users who are not leveraging their costly licenses to the fullest. These users could be downgraded to a cheaper license type with no impact to their day to day. In the picture above, we helped a Customer with 14,362 users, pinpoint 28.04% of users who could leverage a cheaper license. The recommended license changes we uncovered resulted in savings of $2,068,128 annually.

The savings ENow proposes are unique to your organization's license agreement with Microsoft. Thus, showing actual savings as opposed to Microsoft 365 license list cost.

Microsoft 365 License Management - License Cost

Obtain Key Microsoft 365 Metrics

Seemingly small errors, may have resulted in an immense amount of license waste.


Gain visibility into license consumption trends. ENow highlights license consumption rate by license type over various day and year to date time frames. The report also includes license count information as it relates to the specific groups and departments.


Track digital transformation efforts by gaining key performance indicators like Microsoft 365 license app (Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, etc) usage that can be distilled down to individual users.


Oftentimes, organizations need to distill license charges down to chargeback various subsidiaries, business units, or departments. ENow easily breakdowns license allocation by group to easily obtain accurate data.



"Let's let the numbers speak for themselves... With ENow's reporting we were able to save $853,000 / year. 

The workload consumption report allowed us to determine which E5 users could leverage a cheaper license. We ended up moving 10% of our E5 licensed users to E3 or F1 licenses and saved a tremendous amount of money. "

IT Director Energy Industry


"Overall ENow’s platform took the licensing burden off our internal team. Simply one of the best products I’ve gotten my hands on.”

Check out the full case study: TTI Chooses ENow for Microsoft 365 License Optimization.

Austin K Construction Industry


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