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ENow's 18th Birthday Celebration!

Image of Jay Gundotra
Jay Gundotra
ENow Birthday Message banner

Over the past couple of months, we've been celebrating our 18th birthday with employees, partners,  and clients - both past and present alike. It’s hard to believe that it has been 18 years since ENow started. I never imagined that my company would have an impact on Exchange administrators in over 130 countries around the world including some of the largest most well-known companies and trusted brands. It’s been an amazing ride and we could not have gotten here without the support of so many!


If we haven't connected in a while, I would love to share more about the new challenges we are helping Microsoft 365 teams manage. Please check out the new areas we have expanded into and let us know if you would like to learn more.

Microsoft 365 Monitoring
Do you want more visibility into Microsoft 365 Service? Tired of your users notifying you that there is an issue? With our tool you will get:

  • Immediate outage detection and understanding if issue is on your side or Microsoft’s
  • Enhanced Service Health Dashboard + Twitter integration
  • Microsoft Teams Call Quality, VIP Monitoring and Service Desk Portal
  • Best of Breed Exchange, SPO and OneDrive synthetic transactions
  • Branch office Monitoring
  • Certificate Monitoring

Governance Reporting
Does your Microsoft 365 implementation feel like it is out of control? Would you like better visibility into how your users are creating Teams, sharing documents and leveraging other services? With our tool you can:

  • Tackle Microsoft Teams Sprawl
  • Understand who has shared external docs via SharePoint and OneDrive
  • Insight to who has accessed shared docs via SharePoint and OneDrive

Adoption & License Management Reporting
Do you have an EA renewal coming up? Do you struggle with day to day management of Microsoft 365 Licenses? We saved one client 10% on their EA renewal! If you have a renewal coming up, you have to check out our Microsoft 365 License Optimization module. With our Licensing Optimization module you can:

  • Track meaningful adoption
  • Would you like to better understand how you are licensed?
  • Identify overlapping, duplicate and inactive licenses
  • Forecast license usageWe saved one client 10% on their EA renewal! If you have a renewal coming up, you have to check out our Office 365 License Optimization module.
Cheers to 18 more years!

ENow Announcement banner

Increase Microsoft 365 Adoption, Safeguard Your Data, and Reduce Costs with ENow 8.0

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In today’s challenging economic environment, maximizing the return on technology investments is...
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Image of ENow Software
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Jones Lumber Company wanted more from their existing Exchange server implementation. They wanted...