Azure & Active Directory Center

ENow Software's Azure & Active Directory blog built by Microsoft MVPs for IT/Sys Admins.

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Active Directory (3)

Gold Star Award

Techgenix Product Review: Active Directory Monitoring and Reporting Solution from ENow

Image of AmyKelly Petruzzella
AmyKelly Petruzzella

Years back, Active Directory (AD) was all the rage. I recall its release with Microsoft Windows Server 2000 and entire books were written on the subject, everything from design to deployment to continued maintenance. Over time, AD has lost its novelty as the shiny new toy, but it hasn’t lost its value as the foundation piece to all other aspects of your network and on-premises servers, like Exchange. That has held true even with its cloud-based cousin Azure AD. Nothing takes out the entire Microsoft 365 suite like an Azure AD outage because identity management and a host of other server necessities are tied back to it.

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Timely Active Directory monitoring listing image

Active Directory Monitoring: Replication

Image of ENow Software
ENow Software

Active Directory replication failures are like a leaking water pipe in your wall.   You don’t notice anything at first, but by the time you do, there is significant damage. It’s probably not altogether difficult to “repair” AD at this point and stop the "leak", but the damage remains. Monitoring Active Directory replication is essential to catching the little problems before they become major. It all starts with AD object inconsistencies between domain controllers.

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Weak Password and how Active Directory can help

How to Prevent Users from Using Weak Passwords

Image of Jaap Wesselius
Jaap Wesselius

Previously, MVP Nicolas Blank wrote an interesting article "Having an Identity Crisis" and it talked about all kinds of attacks on your environment. One such attack is on user email.  Users tend to choose a password that is easy for them to remember and this makes the password weak and easy to guess by others.  Even with some social engineering, user passwords are easy to retrieve, as can be seen on this YouTube clip What is your password?

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Authentication Planning

Authentication Planning in the Enterprise

Image of Nathan O'Bryan MCSM
Nathan O'Bryan MCSM

What a great time to be an IT pro. I mean really, who has it better than us? On any given day there is so much going on, so much to learn, so much to improve, and that's why I do really enjoy my job(s). As I think about how to open this blog post, it occurs to me that I’ve had some great opportunities in my career. Sort of a “as one door closes, another one opens” sort of thing.

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Office 365 Authentication listing image

Using Selective Authentication per Subdomain in Office 365

Image of Michael Van Horenbeeck MVP, MCSM
Michael Van Horenbeeck MVP, MCSM

Office 365 allows for various authentication mechanisms, which includes federated authentication through Active Directory Federation Services. Federated authentication in Office 365 is configured per domain. However, if you register multiple subdomains in your Office 365 tenant, those subdomains will automatically inherit the authentication settings from the parent domain IF you registered the subdomains in the tenant after the parent domain.

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Sander-AD-Book-2nd edition copy

Want to learn more about Active Directory?

Active Directory Administration Cookbook, 2nd Edition

In this book, Microsoft MVP & Technical Editor of ENow's Azure & Active Directory Center, Sander Berkouwer will share the intricacies of managing Azure AD, Azure AD Connect as well as Active Directory for administration in the cloud and on Windows Server 2022.