M365 - Microsoft Teams Center

ENow Software's Microsoft Teams blog built by Microsoft MVPs for IT/Sys Admins.

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Microsoft Teams (3)


Top 10 Teams Features in 2019

Image of Adam Ball
Adam Ball

As the year comes to an end we commonly look back and reflect on the good things that have happened to us. I thought it would be a good time to look back on Microsoft Teams and re-cap some of the great features that have come to the platform this year. This list was put together based on either my value of an item’s importance and/or what I've heard from the community (through social media, talking to people at user groups, etc.). If you think I've missed something, please feel free to add to the discussion on Twitter.

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Microsoft Teams Reporting - Team Creation Considerations

Image of Adam Ball
Adam Ball

One of the concerns many companies have when they start looking at Microsoft Teams reporting is how to control the creation of new Teams. The more Teams that are created, the more administrative overhead is needed. By having lots of Teams, it can be hard for end-users to find the right Team to contribute to and IT Pro’s are stuck having to filter through the Teams to find the one they need to support.

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Microsoft Teams logo

Teams in a Hybrid Exchange Environment

Image of Michael Van Horenbeeck MVP, MCSM
Michael Van Horenbeeck MVP, MCSM

Recent reports have shown that Teams is gaining a lot of momentum within the enterprise. According to the survey from Spiceworks, about 21% of the respondents were using Microsoft Teams compared to 15% using Slack. Although the sample size (901 respondents) is too small to represent the entire market, it clearly shows an upward trend. Given its popularity, it’s not uncommon to see that Teams is also used within organizations that haven’t fully migrated to Office 365 (yet). However, the use of Teams in a hybrid deployment is bound to a couple of restrictions.

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Microsoft Teams look forward

Teams and Skype: A Look Forward

Image of Paul Robichaux
Paul Robichaux

“The king is dead; long live the king!” is a traditional proclamation made following the ascension of a new monarch to the throne in various countries (both real and fictional). The recent announcement at Microsoft Ignite that Microsoft Teams is taking over for Skype brings this phase to mind—is Skype dead? Let’s dig into what Microsoft has announced and is currently doing to see if we can figure out what the future holds.

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The Collaboration Landscape in Office 365 – Part 2

Image of Gary Cooper
Gary Cooper

In Part 1 of this series, we covered the basics of the Collaboration choices available in Office 365. Before you say it, I know I didn’t include SharePoint Online in Part 1, and I won’t cover it in Part 2 either. Although Microsoft lists it as a collaboration tool, I don’t really agree. I see SharePoint Online as a method or landscape to store data that has rich features for document management, such as versioning, views, check in/out, etc. For me, collaboration requires more than document management. I know many of you reading this will disagree with me, and that is okay. If it works for you, then use it!

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