M365 - Microsoft Teams Center

ENow Software's Microsoft Teams blog built by Microsoft MVPs for IT/Sys Admins.

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Microsoft Teams (2)

Return to Work Meeting Room

Returning to Work and the Meeting Room

Image of Adam Ball
Adam Ball

Over the past year, many organizations have adopted entirely new collaboration systems then what they had a year ago (if they even had one at all). As employees start to return to the office, this poses a challenge in the meeting rooms and can ultimately end user experience and productivity if the proper equipment and training isn't in place. For many organizations, they had simplistic rooms or if they did have collaborative rooms, they may be based around a platform that isn't in use or isn't compatible with the new platform employees are using now.

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Microsoft Teams

Avoid the Microsoft Teams “Islands Mode” Trap

Image of ENow Software
ENow Software

Lately I have been approached by a fair number of customers (both small as well as large Organizations) complaining about not so obvious and very confusing behavior between Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams.  Those Organizations are already using Skype for Business (mainly On-Premises for their Enterprise Voice solution) and have started trials or pilots for Microsoft Teams.

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Businessman with tablet

Mastering Microsoft Teams with PowerShell

Image of Chris Goosen
Chris Goosen

There is no denying that as IT Pros we are writing more ‘code’ than ever before. I like to think of this an an evolution – If you cast your mind back 13 years to 2007 when PowerShell first made an appearance, many of us were just coming to terms with using single cmdlets to perform tasks instead of clicking GUI buttons. Over time, cmdlets became one-liners which in turn led to PowerShell scripts all the while helping us automate repetitive tasks in a predictable manner with orchestrated runbooks being a lot more commonplace today.

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business person using computer tablet

Why Your Approach to Microsoft Teams Governance is Wrong

Image of Loryan Strant
Loryan Strant

Yes, you read that right. The title is not a question or suggestion, but a statement of fact: Your approach to Microsoft Teams governance is wrong.

Right now, you must be thinking I have some serious chutzpah to make such a statement, and you’d be correct – but that chutzpah is built on real-world experience working with organizations of all sizes and industries. 

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Businessman at laptop

PowerShell for Teams Reporting

Image of Nathan O'Bryan MCSM
Nathan O'Bryan MCSM

Hello from the bunker! I assume most of you will be reading this blog post from my future, and hopefully the world has returned to something closer to “normal”. By normal, I mean there isn’t a pandemic going on and people can leave their houses. As I write this blog post, I am about a month into the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 and I haven’t left my house except for trips to the grocery store for what feels like about 20 years.

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