Azure & Active Directory Center

ENow Software's Azure & Active Directory blog built by Microsoft MVPs for IT/Sys Admins.

AAD Publisher Verification

AAD Publisher Verification: What You Need to Know!

Image of Ingo Gegenwarth
Ingo Gegenwarth

Microsoft introduced the feature Publisher Verification to help administrators to stay on top of all OAuth2.0 apps and avoid illicit content attacks. You can find more details about these topics here:

- Publisher verification
- What is the illicit consent grant attack in Office 365?

Generally, this is a very welcome security feature, but there are also some pitfalls and facts that need to be considered carefully.

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Path to Success

Powershell: Validating Powershell Advanced Function Parameters Part I

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ENow Software

Powershell functions can be created as advanced functions. These functions behave very similarly to built-in Powershell cmdlets. Because I can't do without the ability to add a -Verbose or -Debug parameter to my functions now nowadays, these are the only kind of functions I build. Advanced functions, just like "dumb" functions, have parameters. The parameters are the values that are passed into the function from your script.

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Automating the Pruning of Stale Active Directory Users and Computers

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ENow Software

Once a business begins to use Active Directory more and more, depending on how large the organization is, objects have the tendency to become "stale." Every employee typically has an Active Directory user account. They are assigned one the day they are hired. At the same time, if they received a computer, that computer was probably joined to the Active Directory domain. Now, let's say they were assigned to a personal printer and they need to share that printer with “Bob” down the hall. “Susie's” printer could now go into Active Directory. What about Susie's computer's DNS record? Many companies choose to integrate DNS with Active Directory as well which is yet another object in Active Directory! You get the point.

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Path to Success

Upping your Parameter Validation Game with Dynamic Parameters Part II

Image of ENow Software
ENow Software

Now that you've got an understanding of Powershell's advanced functions and the ValidateSet() parameter validation method in the first part of this blog, “Validating Powershell Advanced Function Parameters” you can begin Part #2 of this small post series. Part 2 of this series goes deeper by demonstrating how to dynamically create your sets for ValidateSet() so they aren't hardcoded in. This is essential when dealing with values that may constantly change or even if you just want to practice writing good scripting and have no static references.

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Deciding to use Azure AD

'We Don't Use Azure AD'

Image of Sander Berkouwer
Sander Berkouwer

There are many types of organizations. Some organizations have started as cloud-only. Other organizations are still very much entrenched on-premises. From the last group of organizations, I hear the following sentence a lot: “We don’t use Azure AD.”

I think this is an interesting but dangerous thing to say.

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Active Directory Monitoring listing image

Active Directory Monitoring: Backup and Recovery - Options for AD CS

Image of Jonathan Summers
Jonathan Summers

In the previous article we looked at the operations and processes regarding backup and recovery of AD DS information, namely the AD DS database and its objects. In this article we will be looking at the backup options for some of Active Directory’s other modules such as Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS). Your Active Directory monitoring solution should be tracking events for AD CS to ensure the information is backing up successfully.

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Authentication listing image

Office 365 Basic Authentication Update

Image of Jaap Wesselius
Jaap Wesselius

Almost a year ago, in March 2020, I wrote an article called Microsoft stops basic authentication, now what on this site about Microsoft’s plan to decommission Basic Authentication in Office 365. The Covid-19 pandemic took over the world and a lot of projects were postponed. This was also the case of the Basic Authentication project at Microsoft, but the decommissioning is still planned although there are some serious changes in Microsoft’s planning. Time for an update.

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Woman weighing options on scale

Active Directory Monitoring: Backup and Recovery - Options for AD DS

Image of Jonathan Summers
Jonathan Summers

In Part 2 of this series, we'll discuss backup and recovery options for Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) as a critical component of Active Directory Monitoring. AD DS stores information about the objects on your networks such as user accounts, passwords, user information such as phone numbers, addresses, etc. This information allows users to be authorized on your network to access information. Every organization, large or small, should be backing up this information to restore in the event of any loss of data. This article will cover Windows Backup technologies, tools, and processes for keeping this data intact for restore.

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Sander-AD-Book-2nd edition copy

Want to learn more about Active Directory?

Active Directory Administration Cookbook, 2nd Edition

In this book, Microsoft MVP & Technical Editor of ENow's Azure & Active Directory Center, Sander Berkouwer will share the intricacies of managing Azure AD, Azure AD Connect as well as Active Directory for administration in the cloud and on Windows Server 2022.