M365 - Exchange Online Center

ENow Software's Microsoft Exchange Online blog built by Microsoft MVPs for IT/Sys Admins.

Azure Active Directory Connect

Managing Exchange Online with Azure Cloud Shell

Image of Nathan O'Bryan MCSM
Nathan O'Bryan MCSM

So, the cloud, am I right? While it's always nice to get away from having to worry about failed hard drives, or backups, or patches, or a million other things, the real upside to using cloud services is that the good folks at Microsoft are able to put so much more into developing new features. Even for services like Exchange that seem mature, there are always new and unexpected ways for them to evolve as part of a huge infrastructure like Office 365 and Azure.

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Deploying Outlook Mobile Securely in the Enterprise

Image of Dominik Hoefling MVP
Dominik Hoefling MVP
At Microsoft Ignite 2018 last year, Ross Smit IV, Microsoft’s Principal PM Manager in the EEM Customer Experience Engineering team ran a groundbreaking session on deploying Outlook mobile securely in the enterprise. In his Ignite session, he discusses how to meet high security and compliance demands without compromising productivity or the end user experience. In this blog, I am going to recap the session and inform how you can keep company data safe with Enterprise Mobility + Security (EM+S).
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Configurations screenshot

EMS Security Overview

Lawrence Novak

The security perimeter has changed dramatically over the last 5 years. The landscape has gone from a tightly controlled on-premise environment to data, identities, and devices being spread across on-premise and several cloud systems. How can you protect your data and identities while using a spectrum of on-premise and cloud applications and devices? How do you monitor and identify threats? How can you quickly identify the pre and post-breach of systems across on-premise and the cloud? 

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Microsoft Intune

A look at Microsoft Intune

Image of Nathan O'Bryan MCSM
Nathan O'Bryan MCSM

Intune was born as Microsoft’s Cloud based Mobile Device Management platform. Since then, it has grown into a management platform for both mobile devices and P.C.s. Intune can now manage iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, and some versions of Windows. It’s clear that Microsoft intends to grow Intune into a complete cloud-based device management platform.

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