Microsoft Office 365 Monitoring - Service Outages

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ENow Software

Microsoft Admin Center Service Incident

Office 365 Monitoring: Admin Center Service Incident (Dec. 2, 2021)

Image of ENow Software
ENow Software

On December 2, 2021, at ~8:43 PM UTC, Microsoft communicated via tweet (@MSFT365status) that they were investigating an issue in which mobile devices were being flooded with Microsoft admin center notifications.  More importantly, they were also investigating reports that some system admins were experiencing delays or were unable to access the Microsoft admin center.

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Microsoft Outage

Office 365 Monitoring: Teams PSTN Calls Outage (Oct. 7, 2021)

Image of ENow Software
ENow Software

On October 7, 2021, at ~9:25 am UTC, Microsoft communicated via tweet (@MSFT365status) that they were investigating an issue in which some users were unable to make or receive PSTN calls.

Microsoft also indicated in this first notification that Europe was the only known impacted geo. The incident number for IT pros with admin center access was TM289868. The last outage/service interruption that Microsoft communicated was just 3 days ago (October 4th).

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